Sherna Khambatta Literary Agency

Sherna Khambatta, completed her Msc. Publishing in 2007 from the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen in the UK upon which she felt that she could fill a void in the publishing process. Publishers overseas rarely accept unsolicited manuscripts from authors. Instead, they use reliable agents who assess the manuscripts they present, thereby ensuring that they are publishable and of good quality. Though the concept was new to India, Sherna felt that there is a growing need for professional agents. She has had her work published, has a Diploma in Creative Writing and a Masters in Publishing, giving her confidence to set up her agency and using her invaluable experience from an author’s point of view.


With a focus on Non-Fiction, we are looking for manuscripts that are well written, with strong characters and an original plot. Our priority is giving the best possible service to the authors we choose to represent and to maintaining a relationship with them while assisting them in realising their dreams..


For Submissions & Queries: